Friday, October 29, 2021


The dedication ceremony for the Idaho State Veterans Cemetery in Blackfoot was held in October 2021. This veterans cemetery is one of more than 150 veterans cemeteries across the nation, the second state cemetery in Idaho. This 40-acre Idaho State Veterans Cemetery will serve more than 20,000 eastern Idaho veterans and their families.

The event included comments and speeches by Under Secretary, Major General Ret. Quinn of the National Cemetery Administration (NCA), Gov. Little, Mark Tschampi, Chief Administrator, Division of Veterans Services, and James Earp, State Veterans Cemetery Bureau Chief. 

Everlasting Tree Honors Under Secretary Mathew Quinn

John and Heidi from Everlasting Tree honored Under Secretary Mathew Quinn with a commemorative pen set created from the same wood the Montana state veterans ceremonial urn covers were made from. 

Veteran Ceremonial Urns Donated by Everlasting Tree

Flag donated to the Veterans of Eastern Idaho by Karen Clark.
Presentation case constructed and donated by Everlasting Tree. 

Flown underway from the USS Nimitz in the Persian Gulf During Operation Desert Storm
Donated to the Veterans of Eastern Idaho by Karen Clark.